Opening day rifle season.
5 pt. 146 lbs.
Oct. 25 I was sitting in my box
stand. Not long after a steady rain,
this nice 8 pt. appeared at the end
of a food plot, over 100 yds. away at
7:05 pm. The buck weighed 162 lbs,
with a 13 3/4 spread.
On Friday November 8, I was watching
a food plot from my condo box stand
when I noticed this 8 pt. browsing on
turnip and rape foliage. The buck was at
least 150 yards out. He weighed 155 lbs.
WOW! I was not quite ready when
I looked up and saw this "big boy"
walking slowly toward a doe feeding
in a food plot. I had just stopped taping
the doe and was laying my camera
down when I looked up and there he
was. 176 lb. 8 pt. with 18" inside spread.
Out of the same box stand
I harvested this 6 pt. 156 lbs. on
Dec. 5th. I watched him appear in a
food plot and after he left I gave a
few grunts on my call. Then, as the fog
rolled in the buck appeared again,
only this time he was within 50 yards.