2008 Turkey Season
BJ Holliday
This old tom gave Bj a run for his money,
but he couldn't resist the sweet sound of  Bj's
calling. He flew in off of the roost and landed next
to the decoys BJ put in the field. BJ said the Browning
did the rest. The tom weighed in at just a little over
21 lbs. with a ten inch beard and one inch spurs.
Nice tom BJ!, thanks for sharing.
Your host
I saw this hen feeding in a food plot
on our hunt club. At first I thought it was a hen.
Then I saw it had a beard and was convinced it
was a jake. Even after I took the shot and went
to the bird, I still thought it was a jake. But then
I notice the fan was even. That's when I realized
this was a hen. My first hen with a beard. Wow
you never know what's going to happen next.
That's what makes turkey hunting so exciting.
She had a 7 inch beard and weighed 12 lbs.
Hope all your hunts will be as great. Be safe
and happy hunting in the turkey woods.


Brent Payton
Brent took BJ to call in this nice tom.
Brent said the tom came in gobbling. He
took the shot at about 45 yards. The tom
weighed 18 lbs. with a 9 1/4" beard and
1" spurs. Thanks for sharing the
hunt Brent. Good luck and be
safe in the turkey woods.

Youth Turkey Hunt

Austin MCconnel
This was Austin's 2nd time turkey hunting and after taking this tom weighing
20 lbs with an eleven inch beard and 1 inch spurs for his first ever gobbler. Austin
was lost for words. Austin did say he was ready do go hunt another bird. Congradulations
Austin on  the best youth hunt I have ever been on. Thanks also to Brent Payton and
BJ Holliday for their time in making this hunt a success. I'm your Host, Bobby
Holliday. I hope you enjoy the video and as always be safe and take a youth
hunting, you will be glad you did.


     Austin            Brent         BJ        Bobby